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Helping Argyll's Young People

with housing, employment, health and wellbeing and information and advice

Summer Activities

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10th Sep 2024

As summer is coming to a close let’s reflect on the amazing activities that we have had this summer. Alana had an action-packed summer series with activities stretching in a variety of different directions from crafts and cooking to fitness and fishing. Our young people were given fantastic opportunities in Bute to get a guided tour around Mount Stuart house followed by a crafts session in their brand-new crafting hut. Then it was off to Bute Community Forest to hone their bushcraft skills with ranger Samuel who taught them how to make bread from scratch and light fires using a flint and steel. Across the other side of the water in Dunoon Alana had planned a trip to Inverary jail which all the clients enjoyed and a trip to Arden tinny walled gardens. Scattered in amongst these blockbuster activities the young people had the opportunity to meet llamas, go fishing, walking, cooking and much more.